

Children are often targeted by traffickers because they are vulnerable and gullible. "Pimps" look to recruit children of all ages, even children as young as 12 years old. Another reason children are targeted is because the market has such a high demand of youthful victims. Traffickers have been shown recruiting minors in public facilities such as malls, and they often have girls recruit
other girls. (Human Trafficking of Children in the United States)

RODGER BOSCH. A woman sits outside the South African Parliament on September.... Getty Images. 21 Sep. 2011. eLibrary. Web. 12 Apr. 2012.
Victims can be identified...
  • If they have bruises or other signs of abuse
  • If they seem fearful
  • If they seem depressed
  • If they show an inability to move or leave their job
  • If they have recently been brought to the country
  • If they lack certificate of identification (passport and immigration or identification documents)
  • If they seem like they are being controlled
 (Identifying and Interacting With Victims of Human Trafficking)

JASON GUITIERREZ. TO GO WITH: PHILIPPINES-  TRAFFICKING by Jason Gutierrez Geralyn....Getty Images. 18 Jul. 2007. eLibrary. Web. 18 Apr. 2012 (both pictures)
Both men and women cam be traffickers, although traffickers are usually men. Traffickers can work as individuals, or as a group of trafficking criminals, and are most often facilitated by other indiret beneficiaries. These indirect beneficiaries may include advertising, distribution, and retail companies and consumers. Traffickers if properly investigate and prosecuted typically face up to a minimum of 15 years and up to a life sentence in federal prison. (Talati)

  • "52% of those recruiting victims are men, 42% are women and 6% are both men and women" (Human Trafficking:The Facts)

  • "In 54% of cases the recruiter was a stranger to the victim, 46% of cases the recruiter was known to victim" (Human Trafficking:The Facts)
"Trafficking is appealing because it is so lucrative: it is the third largest illegal industry worldwide."(Talati)
This picture is showing two men being arrested by chinese police for the abduction and sale of women at the Nanjing Railway Station. China has created many public policies, including laws, to protect women and children's rights.
(China Photos. Nanjing Police Crack Down On Trafficking of Women. Getty Images. 28 Apr. 2007. eLibrary. Web. 02 Apr. 2011)

Estimated global annual profits made from the exploitation of all trafficked forced labour are US$ 31.6 billion...
Of this: 
o US$ 15.5 billion – 49% - is generated in industrialized economies 
o US$ 9.7 billion – 30.6% is generated in Asia and the Pacific 
o US$ 1.3 billion – 4.1% is generated in Latin America and the Caribbean 
o US$ 1.6 billion – 5% is generated in sub-Saharan Africa 
o US$ 1.5 billion – 4.7% is generated in the Middle East and North Africa
(Human Trafficking: the Facts)

"In 2006 there were only 5,808 prosecutions and 3,160 convictions throughout the world. This means that for every 800 people trafficked, only one person was convicted in 2006" (Human Trafficking: the Facts)

Traffickers if properly investigated and prosecuted typically face up to a minimum of 15 years up to a life sentence in federal prison

Men who are clients of sex trafficking are often know as "Johns". The average age of these men is 41 but can range anywhere from 20 to 75. These men are usually married or in a relationship. 


Moossy, Robert. "Sex Trafficking: Identifying Cases and Victims." USA.gov.
     National Institute of Justice, 9 Mar. 2009. Web. 19 Apr. 2012.

"Identifying and Interacting With Victims of Human Trafficking." Truckers 
     Against Trafficking. Blue Spike Designs, 2012. Web. 19 Apr. 2012. 

Talati, Ronak. Human Trafficking. Mount Sinai Emergency Medical Department, 

American Osler Society, AMSA, & Brown Medical School, 2012. Web. 12 Apr. 2012. <http://www.humantraffickingED.com/contact.html>.

"Human Trafficking of Children in the United States." U.S. Department of 
     Education. N.p., 2012. Web. 16 Apr. 2012. <http://www2.ed.gov/about/

"HUMAN TRAFFICKING: THE FACTS The headline." Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking. N.p., 2012. Web. 16 Apr. 2012.

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